Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (2025)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (1)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (2)


  • from € 9,99
  • from € 10,45

18% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (3)


  • from € 6,91
  • from € 8,80

10% choose
Figo Pet

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (4)


  • from € 12,28
  • from € 15,96

37% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (5)


  • from € 11,95
  • from € 11,95

22% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (6)


  • from € 9,37
  • from € 11,95

8% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (7)


  • from € 9,37
  • from € 11,95

4% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (8)


  • from € 12,96
  • from € 13,44

1% choose


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (9)

Joint disease

Admission and stay clinic


Consult veterinarian





X-ray examination


CT scan


Blood test

Healthcare costs abroad

Prevention budget

Video consult

Own risk

You can choose from $0, $50, $100, $150 deductible per year.

You can choose from €100, €250 or €500 deductible per year.



€ 50

€ 0

€0 to €150


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (10)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (11)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (12)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (13)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (14)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (15)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (16)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (17)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (18)


  • v.a. € 10,45

18% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (19)


  • v.a. € 11,95

22% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (20)


  • v.a. € 15,96

37% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (21)


  • v.a. € 8,80

10% choose
Figo Pet

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (22)


  • v.a. € 11,95

8% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (23)


  • v.a. € 11,95

4% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (24)


  • v.a. € 13,44

1% choose


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (25)

Joint disease

Admission and stay clinic


Consult veterinarian





X-ray examination


CT scan


Healthcare costs abroad

Prevention budget

Max. fee p.year

€ 6000

€ 8500

€2,500 to €5,000


€ 3500

€ 3500

€ 5000

Own risk

You can choose from $0, $50, $100, $150 deductible per year.



You can choose from €100, €250 or €500 deductible per year.

€ 50

€ 50

€0 to €150


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (26)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (27)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (28)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (29)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (30)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (31)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (32)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (33)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (34)


  • from € 9,99
  • from € 10,45

18% choose


Joint disease

Admission and stay clinic


Consult veterinarian





X-ray examination


CT scan


Blood test

Healthcare costs abroad

Prevention budget

Video consult

Max. fee p.year

€ 6000

Own risk

You can choose from $0, $50, $100, $150 deductible per year.

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (35)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (36)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (37)


  • from € 6,91
  • from € 8,80

10% choose
Figo Cap

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (38)


  • from € 12,28
  • from € 15,96

37% choose



€2,500 to €5,000

You can choose from €100, €250 or €500 deductible per year.



Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (39)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (40)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (41)


  • from € 11,95
  • from € 11,95

22% choose

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (42)


  • from € 9,37
  • from € 11,95

8% choose


€ 8500

€ 3500


€ 50


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (43)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (44)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (45)


  • from € 9,37
  • from € 11,95

4% kiest

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (46)


  • from € 12,96
  • from € 13,44

1% kiest



€ 2.500 to € 5.000

€ 5000

€ 0

€ 0 tot € 150


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (47)


Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (48)

Cat insurance comparison

Compare dog insurance

The “from” prices of the premiums are for small dogs and cats. If you have an adult dog or cat you will pay more for the monthly premium.

The possible coverage may apply to the insurer’s most comprehensive package; basic pet insurance policies often do not cover all options. Maximum insurance is the most comprehensive package you can purchase from the insurer. Prices and coverages from our comparator were last updated Jan. 22, 2024.

What is dog insurance?

Dog insurance ensures that your dog is covered for health expenses. This makes it easier and stress-free to treat your sick dog. This is similar to how we as humans know health insurance.

It is often obvious to people that insurance should be purchased and often the options are a bit more familiar. For dogs, this is often still a gray area, where we would like to help bring some clarity so that you can make the choice of dog insurance with a good feeling.

Dog insurance also compares well with the insurance we know for humans. For example, you have several basic insurance, as well as supplemental premiums. Insurance depends heavily on the stage of life your dog is in.

When you have a young dog, it probably needs very different medical care than a somewhat older dog. It is therefore impossible to say what the best or cheapest dog insurance policy is, as it depends on several factors. Insurers offering dog insurance include OHRA, Inshared, Aegon, Hema and Figo Pet.

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (49)

You want the best care for your four-legged friend, which is why it’s a good idea to get dog insurance. In addition to the usual costs for a dog, there are also medical expenses. Medical expenses for your dog can sometimes be high, which is why it is good to be insured for these sometimes unexpected costs.

When you have your dog spayed or neutered, you can easily spend €200. You can insure yourself for these types of costs, but especially the unexpected ones such as when they unexpectedly fall ill or have an accident that requires surgery. Hence, it is useful to compare dog insurance.

Start comparing

What am I covered for with dog insurance?

You can insure your dog, with additional coverages against almost any cost you incur in an accident involving your pet. The amount of coverage depends on the insurer and the package you take out. You can insure your dog for such things as:

  • Uterine inflammation
  • Bone fracture
  • Chemical castration
  • Consultation with veterinarian
  • CT scan
  • Echo
  • Euthanasia
  • Groin rupture
  • MRI scan
  • Narcosis
  • Umbilical hernia
  • Neck hernia
  • CT Scan
  • Liver shunt surgery
  • Patella luxation
  • Hypodermic pill
  • Cataract surgery
  • Vaccination

Why buy dog insurance?

Research shows that 56% of Dutch households have a pet. That includes dogs, like perhaps yours. Suppose you are traveling with your 2 dogs and family to the south of France with your caravan for a few weeks.

You and your children are insured against everything from what can happen. If you dogs suddenly get sick due to the climate or if 1 of your dogs breaks a leg you will incur unexpectedly high costs. Surgery for your pet can easily cost several thousand euros. With dog insurance, you don’t have to worry about this.

Each country has different laws when it comes to insuring your dog. You can read more about this on this page. If you are convinced that you can treat your dog yourself then, of course, comparing dog insurance is unnecessary. For example, with the information on this website, you can easily remove a tick from your dog yourself or perform a similar procedure

Start comparing

View all pet insurance policies by provider:

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (50)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (51)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (52)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (53)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (54)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (55)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (56)

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (57)
Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (58)
Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (59)
Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (60)
Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (61)
Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (62)
Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (63)

What causes the price of each dog insurance policy to vary?

There are several things that affect the price of your dog insurance. Dogs that generally get sick faster there are also paid a higher premium for. How this can be determined depends, among other things, on the following:

  • Gender of your dog (male or female)
  • Weight of your dog
  • Age of your dog
  • The breed of your dog
  • Your dog insurance deductible

Below we explain in more detail why the price of your dog insurance varies because of this.

Gender of your dog

Your dog’s gender can determine whether a dog is more likely or less likely to get sick. In general, bitches get sick faster than dogs. This is also because bitches can get pregnant and therefore can also have defects faster than the dog.

So in general, the cost of dog insurance for a female dog is a lot more expensive than that for males.

Weight of your dog

Heavier dogs are more likely to break a leg than lesser dogs. This also depends in part on your dog’s breed. For example, a Chihuahua does not grow very large, yet the premium is higher for a heavier Chihuahua than the premium for a lesser Chihuahua.

The same also applies to larger (adult dogs) such as a Dobermann. These dogs grow much larger than a Chihuahua. However, again, the premium is higher for a heavier Dobermann than the premium for a lesser Dobermann.

Age of your dog

Your dog’s age is also important when buying dog insurance. A puppy just born that is in core health that will have a much lower premium than a dog that is already above average age. It is not even possible to insure older dogs with some insurers like Petplan. In doing so, you should pay close attention to the terms and conditions of all pet insurance companies.

The breed of your dog

Treatments for your dog also vary by breed. Chihuahuas, for example, are easier to treat and cure than the Dobermann we just talked about. So the monthly premium for a Doberman will be a lot higher than that of a Chihuahua insurance policy. Thus, this can vary by breed.

The most convenient way to do this is to compare your dog’s insurance by insurer on the provider’s website, this will get you to the most recent prices by breed. We did create another specific comparison module for French Bulldog insurance and Jack Russel insurance.

Maximum deductible of your dog insurance policy

Almost every dog insurance policy that consists of a deductible. With the maximum insured amount, you will pay a lower premium to your dog insurance policy. Suppose your deductible for such an operation is €10, the premium per month will be very high for your dog insurance.

However, you may also pay a €1000 deductible, but then the monthly premium of your dog insurance will be a lot lower than the insurance with a €10 deductible. Our advice is always to choose a middle ground where you don’t pay an overly high premium, but also don’t pay a high maximum deductible. Allows you to get the best dog insurance

You can also read more about dogs on the rest of our website, that way we can help you find dog names.

Frequently asked questions about dog insurance

View answers to the most frequently asked questions about dog insurance here.

Dog insurance is health insurance for dogs. Dog insurance covers your dog’s medical expenses. Unlike health insurance for humans, dog insurance is not mandatory.

Dog insurance can provide coverage for different types of medical expenses and health care for your dog, depending on the specific plan you choose. Here are the typical coverages you can expect in a dog insurance policy: accidents, medical expenses, surgical procedures, medications, vet visits, diagnostic test, recovery therapies, dental care. and alternative therapies

The best dog insurance is OHRA’s dog insurance. This is the best-rated and most-covered dog insurance policy since 2023.

The cost of dog insurance varies depending on several factors, including the type of dog, the age of your dog, the level of coverage chosen and the insurance company. The cost of dog insurance is from €8.80 per month at Figo Pet.

Dog insurance is usually calculated based on several factors, such as your dog’s age, breed, sex, location, coverage level, deductible, maximum benefit and coverage options.

Figo Pet currently has the cheapest dog insurance. Dog insurance is available here from €8.80 per month. However, it is important to note that many cheap dog insurance policies do not cover all medical expenses.

A good dog insurance policy can vary greatly depending on several factors, including your personal needs, budget and your dog’s health. Consider coverage, costs, waiting periods, ratings, vet network, restrictions and customer service.

Getting dog insurance is a personal decision and depends on several factors. You can get dog insurance for the: financial security, peace of mind, preventive care options and freedom of choice in veterinarians. It’s better not to get dog insurance for the: monthly cost, self-funding, exclusions/limitations and risk assessment.

The age at which you can insure your dog varies depending on the insurance company and the plan you are considering. Currently, the following ages are used for older dogs:

  • InShared accepts dogs up to 6 years of age.
  • Aegon accepts dogs up to 6 years old.
  • Ohra accepts dogs up to 7 years old.
  • Petsecur accepts dogs up to 7 years old.
  • Figo Pet accepts dogs up to 6 years old.
  • Aegon accepts dogs up to 6 years old.
  • Univé accepts dogs up to 8 years old.
    • If your dog is older then Univé also offers “Accident” coverage.

Ohra, Petsecur and offer dog insurance with no deductible. However, this means that your dog is not insured for all coverages.

Dog Insurances Netherlands → Dog insurance from € 8.80 p/m (2025)


What does maximum payout mean for pet insurance? ›

A maximum limit or payout per year (also known as Annual Limit) is the maximum amount of money a pet insurance provider will reimburse you for eligible claims within a given year.

What is the highest level of pet insurance? ›

Lifetime policies

These policies cover your pet for their entire life, taking care of expenses for both illnesses and injuries. Although they are the most expensive option, they offer the highest level of protection, with coverage limits that reset annually upon policy renewal.

What is per condition limit on pet insurance? ›

If you need to make a claim for vet fees, a condition limit is the amount that you can claim up to towards vet fees in each policy year.

How much should I cover my dog for? ›

As a general rule, cover less than £5000 is likely to leave you with problems if your dog gets in a serious accident, and £7000 is the minimum most vets would consider to be fairly comprehensive.

What does 80% reimbursement mean? ›

Reimbursement Example

If your reimbursement level is 80% and your claim is for $1,000 the company will pay $800 and you will pay $200. It's important to keep in mind that you will be responsible for paying the deductible each time you file a claim.

What is a good deductible for pet insurance? ›

Deductibles generally range from $0 to $1,000. According to Nationwide, most pet owners choose an annual deductible of $250. Deductibles vary by pet insurance provider and their policies, but pet parents should prepare to pay out of pocket for a veterinary bill until meeting the plan's deductible.

What is the most expensive pet to insure? ›

Generally, the bigger your dog, the more expensive its pet insurance premiums. The most expensive breeds to insure include Newfoundland, Dogue De Bordeaux, and Jack Russell terrier. You can cut pet insurance premiums by paying your premium in full and shopping around for pet insurance.

Does pet insurance get more expensive with age? ›

While some pet insurance companies may occasionally claim to not increase with a pet's age, you'll still find that those premiums increase over time. These policies may attribute these increases to other factors like rising veterinary costs or inflation, but they'll still go up over time.

What is the average annual limit for pet insurance? ›

Annual Limits From Top Pet Insurance Companies
Pet Insurance ProviderAnnual Limits
ASPCA Pet Health Insurance$2,500, $5,000, $7,000 or $10,000
Embrace$5,000, $8,000, $10,000, $15,000 or unlimited
Fetch$5,000, $10,000 or $15,000
Figo$5,000, $10,000 or unlimited
5 more rows
Jun 27, 2024

How much should I be spending on pet insurance? ›

Average Pet Insurance Cost

According to our research, pet insurance costs $720 a year for dogs and $384 for cats, with an overall average monthly cost of around $46 per month. To determine pricing, our team secret-shopped with 21 national pet insurance providers and gathered over 17,330 quotes in all 50 U.S. states.

What does 90% reimbursement mean on pet insurance? ›

Most plans offer between 70-90% reimbursement. This means that when you submit a claim, all the charges that fall within the coverage limitations will be paid back to you at whichever percentage you chose when you enrolled your pet.

What does 70% reimbursement mean for pet insurance? ›

A copayment, or copay, is your share of the vet visit cost aside from your deductible. The reimbursement rate is the percentage of the bill the insurer will pay. For example, if your policy has a 70% reimbursement rate, that means your copay is 30%.

What is a realistic budget for a dog? ›

Annual Cost of Dog Ownership

According to our survey of more than 1,000 dog owners, most spent an average of $40 to $290 per month on their dogs — or an average of $480 to $3,470 annually. But this number will vary depending on your dog's individual needs, size, pet insurance plan's costs, and health status.

What's the 90 10 rule for dogs? ›

When it comes to where dog's get their daily calories, we recommend following the 90/10 rule: 90% of calories from a complete and balanced diet, 10% from treats! Treats can be considered the splurge, but more often, the actual act of giving a treat means more to the dog than the actual treat itself.

Is it worth claiming on pet insurance? ›

It's usually not too difficult to know when you should claim, and you can always check your policy documents or speak to your insurance provider if you're not sure. The only time it might not be worth claiming is if your policy excess – that's the amount you pay to make a claim – is more than the cost of the treatment.

What does maximum payout limit mean? ›

Your maximum annual payout (also known as an annual coverage limit in insurance-speak) is the highest dollar amount you can be reimbursed for each year.

What is a payout limit insurance? ›

Also known as your coverage amount, your insurance limit is the maximum amount your insurer may pay out for a claim, as stated in your policy. Most insurance policies, including home and auto insurance, have different types of coverages with separate coverage limits.

What does maximum out of pocket expense mean in insurance? ›

What is an Out-of-Pocket Maximum and How Does it Work? An out-of-pocket maximum is a cap, or limit, on the amount of money you have to pay for covered health care services in a plan year. If you meet that limit, your health plan will pay 100% of all covered health care costs for the rest of the plan year.


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Views: 6487

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.