Craigslist Campers Greenville Sc (2025)

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  • Coleman pop up camper. 8/9·Smyrna. $3,000 hide. AS IS 1969 Apache Eagle Pop Up Camper 1. •. AS IS 1969 Apache Eagle Pop Up Camper. 8/8·Greenville SC. hide. 2021 ...

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Craigslist Campers Greenville Sc (2025)


Why are campers so cheap right now? ›

The most likely reason for this is that over the last year, more affordable new models have been introduced to the market, since the demand for lower-priced campers is high. As the average price of new RVs has dropped, it has also brought down the prices that people are willing to pay for used RVs.

What time of year are campers the cheapest? ›

On average, motorhomes and travel trailers are at their cheapest at the end of the year. You can also benefit from good deals in the neighboring months of November and February — after the high season ends and before the next spring season starts up.

What campers are good to live in? ›

Class C RVs For Camper Life

Class C motorhomes are a great option for RV living. They come in many different sizes to meet living needs and are usually easy to drive and park. You can get a Class C motorhome also as a Super C RV or Super C motorhome with a large diesel engine.

What camper sleeps the most? ›

List of RVs with the Most Sleeping Space
  • Forest River FR3 30DS. ...
  • Winnebago Intent 30R. ...
  • Thor Vegas 25.6. ...
  • Newmar Ventana. ...
  • Thor A.C.E. ...
  • Tiffin Open Road Allegro. ...
  • Jayco Alante. ...
  • Fleetwood Bounder. The Fleetwood Bounder is another spacious RV that combines travel with luxury.

What is the slowest month for RV sales? ›

When is the Best Time of Year to Buy an RV?
  • However, the warmer months also bring a wider selection of RVs to the market as new models are released. ...
  • For the best deals on an RV, look to buy between October and January when business is slower and dealers offer discounts and incentives.

What state is the cheapest to buy a camper? ›

The cheapest state to buy an RV is apparently Arizona, Texas, or Florida. But that's just purchase price & there are other expensive factors to consider… 1 The cheapest state to buy an RV is apparently Arizona, Texas, or Florida. But that's just purchase price & there are other expensive factors to consider…

How long do campers usually last? ›

Just like any other vehicle, though, RVs run best when they're used often, well-maintained, and adequately protected from the elements. Proper care and attention can significantly impact how long your RV lasts. The average life of an RV can range from 10 to 30 years or 200,000-300,000 miles with proper maintenance.

What is the best day to buy an RV? ›

When is the best time to buy a camper?
  • Shop in the spring for used models. Often in the late winter or early spring, RVers are looking to sell their existing trailer to buy a new one. ...
  • Shop in the fall during the slow season. ...
  • Buy on a holiday weekend. ...
  • Buy when gas prices rise. ...
  • Buy when a new model is released.
Feb 12, 2022

Do campers hold their value? ›

Brand-new RVs start losing value as soon as they're driven off the lot and continue to lose value throughout the first year rapidly. The RV depreciation rate increases at a steady rate after that until your RV hits double digits in age. Once an RV is ten years old or older, its value drops more rapidly.

What is the best size RV to live in full time? ›

The best 5th wheel for full time living is a trailer that is less than 36 feet long. Longer trailers are harder to manage, and some regions have regulations about trailers over 36 feet. A 36-foot trailer is also easier to haul with a 3/4-ton truck. For height, a trailer less than 13 feet, 6 inches is recommended.

Is it cheaper to live in a camper than a house? ›

RVs usually have a lower initial price in comparison to the majority of homes but the top models can compete with the starting prices of homes in some places. For many, renting or owning an RV tends to be cheaper than traditional housing.

What is the downside of camper living? ›

Limited space: Living in an RV means that you'll have to downsize significantly, which can be challenging if you're used to having a lot of possessions or living in a larger home.

What type of camper lasts the longest? ›

Typically, fiberglass travel trailers last longer than aluminum trailers, because they are built to withstand harsher conditions. They are the perfect mix due to their soft and durable construction, plus they are the right choice for seasoned RV's owners who are always going camping.

What is the perfect size camper? ›

The general rule of thumb with camping is to choose a vehicle that sleeps more than your number of travelers. So, for a family of four, you would be more comfortable in an RV that sleeps six or seven.

What is the most comfortable bed in a camper? ›

The best overall bed for RVs is the Brooklyn Bedding Signature Mattress, and it was a pretty simple choice. Our team of mattress experts loves the Brooklyn Bedding Signature mattress for its combination of near-universal comfort, hybrid design, firmness options and value price.

Is now a good time to buy a camper? ›

If you can wait until mid to late fall, you'll find it's the best time to buy an RV. You'll have a far better selection of both new and previously-owned rigs once the camping season ends. Plus, you'll enjoy the added benefit of physically shopping for RVs among fewer crowds and with more attentive salespeople.

Are RV prices dropping in 2024? ›

RV Prices in 2024. In 2024, concerns over inflation have tempered, and rates are expected to be cut three times in 2024 (and more in 2025 and 2026). That's good news for everyone. It's also a fairly recent turn of events — one to monitor to see its effects on the RV industry as a whole.

Why do campers lose value so fast? ›

While your RV may be in remarkable condition beneath the hood, its value will depreciate immensely if the appliances within are broken or old. Regularly maintaining, replacing, and updating the devices in your camper is a great way to offset depreciation.

Is the RV industry slowing down? ›

RV shipments rocketed north of 600,000 in 2021, a nearly 40% jump from the year before. They moved down to a historically strong, but noticeably smaller, 493,000 the next year, according to data from the RV Industry Association. By 2023, orders fell back to Earth — hard — clocking in at a mere 313,000.


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.